Manual Of Determinative Bacteriology 8Th Edition

Nocardia. Genus Nocardia. Warning In the List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature, an arrow only indicates the sequence of valid publication of names and does not mean that the last name in the sequence must be used see Introduction. Number of species cited in this file 1. Number of subspecies cited in this file 0 Classification Warning see also the file Classification of prokaryotes Introduction. For a detailed description of this taxon see Bergeys Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria BMSAB. Nocardia Trevisan 1. Type genus of the family Nocardiaceae Castellani and Chalmers 1. Approved Lists 1. Type species Nocardia asteroides Eppinger 1. Blanchard 1. 89. 6 Approved Lists 1. Etymology N. L. fem. Nocardia, named after Edmond Nocard 1. French veterinarian who first isolated members of this taxon. Approved Lists reference SKERMAN V. B. D., Mc. GOWAN V. SNEATH P. Manual Of Determinative Bacteriology 8Th EditionH. A. editors Approved Lists of Bacterial Names. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1. Approved Lists of Bacterial Names in IJSEM Online Approved Lists of Bacterial Names Amended edition. Nocardia Trevisan 1889, genus. Type genus of the family Nocardiaceae Castellani and Chalmers 1919 Approved Lists 1980. Type species Nocardia asteroides. Express Helpline Get answer of your question fast from real experts. WqxJy/526x297-EUq.jpg' alt='Manual Of Determinative Bacteriology 8Th Edition' title='Manual Of Determinative Bacteriology 8Th Edition' />Original publication TREVISAN V. I. Generi e le Specie delle Batteriacee, Zanaboni and Gabuzzi, Milano, 1. Note 1 Nocardia asteroides Eppinger 1. Blanchard 1. 89. 6 Approved Lists 1. Nocardia Trevisan 1. Approved Lists 1. References 1 SNEATH P. H. A. Status of nomenclatural types in the Approved Lists of Bacterial Names 1. Renting To Government Programs. Request for an opinion. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1. Original article in IJSEM Online. JUDICIAL OPINION 5. Confirmation of the types in the Approved Lists as nomenclatural types including recognition of Nocardia asteroides Eppinger 1. Blanchard 1. 89. 6 and Pasteurella multocida Lehmann and Neumann 1. Rosenbusch and Merchant 1. Nocardia and Pasteurella and rejection of the species name Pasteurella gallicida Burrill 1. Buchanan 1. 92. 5. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1. Original article in IJSEM Online. Note. 2 According to Goodfellow and Pirouz 1. Nocardia Trevisan 1. Approved Lists 1. Micropolyspora Lechevalier et al. Approved Lists 1. Valid publication Validation List no. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1. Effective publication GOODFELLOW M. PIROUZ T. Numerical classification of sporoactinomyces containing meso diaminopimelic acid in the cell wall. J. Gen. Microbiol., 1. Validation List no. IJSEM Online Effective publication Online. Nocardiaabscessus Yassin et al. Type strain see also Strain. Info. net IMMIB D 1. ATCC BAA 2. 79 CCUG 4. CIP 1. 06. 82. 2 DSM 4. JCM 1. 09. 84 NBRC 1. Sequence accession no. S r. RNA gene for the type strain AF2. Etymology L. gen. Valid publication YASSIN A. F., RAINEY F. A., MENDROCK U., BRZEZINKA H. SCHAAL K. P. Nocardia abscessus sp. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2. 00. Original article in IJSEM Online. Nocardiaaciditolerans Golinska et al. Type strain see also Strain. Info. net CSCA6. KACC 1. NCIMB 1. DSM 4. 58. Sequence accession no. S r. RNA for the type strain JX4. Etymology N. L. n. L. adj. acidus, sour L. N. L. past. adj. aciditolerans, acid tolerating. Source Environmental soil. Valid publication Validation List no. List of new names and new combinations previously effectively, but not validly, published. Int. J Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 6. 3 2. Validation List Online. Effective publication GOLINSKA, P., WANG, D. GOODFELLOW, M. 2. Nocardia aciditolerans sp. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 1. Effective publication Online    Nocardiaacidivorans Kmpfer et al. Type strain see also Strain. Info. net GW4 1. CCUG 5. CIP 1. DSM 4. 50. JCM 1. Sequence accession no. S r. RNA gene for the type strain AM4. Etymology N. L. n. L. adj. acidus, sour, an acid L. N. L. part. adj. acidivorans, acid devouring. Valid publication KMPFER P., HUBER B., BUCZOLITS S., THUMMES K., GRN WOLLNY I. BUSSE H. J. Nocardia acidivorans sp. Stromboli. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2. Original article in IJSEM Online. Nocardiaafricana Hamid et al. Type strain see also Strain. Info. net SD7. 69 ATCC BAA 2. CCUG 4. 61. 22 DSM 4. JCM 1. 14. 38 NBRC 1. NCTC 1. 31. 81. Sequence accession no. S r. RNA gene for the type strain AF4. Etymology L. fem. African, of Africa, the source of the isolates. Valid publication Validation List no. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2. 00. Effective publication HAMID M. E., MALDONADO L., SHARAF ELDIN G. S., MOHAMED M. F., SAEED N. S. and GOODFELLOW M. Nocardia africana sp. J. Clin. Microbiol., 2. Validation List no. IJSEM Online Effective publication Online. Nocardiaalba Li et al. Antivirus Free Download Full Version For Windows 8 With Key. Type strain see also Strain. Info. net YIM 3. CCTCC AA 0. DSM 4. 46. 84 JCM 1. Sequence accession no. S r. RNA gene for the type strain AY2. Etymology L. fem. Valid publication Validation List no. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2. 00. Effective publication LI W. J., JIANG Y., KROPPENSTEDT R. M., XU L. H. and JIANG C. L. Nocardia alba sp. China. Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 2. 00. Validation List no. IJSEM Online Effective publication Online. Note In the effective publication, the type strain CCTCC AA 0. CCTCC AA0. 01. 03. Reference LISTS EDITOR, IJSEM Validation List no. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2. 00. Validation List no. IJSEM Online. Nocardiaaltamirensis Jurado et al. Type strain see also Strain. Info. net OFN S1. CIP 1. 09. 60. 6 DSM 4. JCM 1. 46. 70. Sequence accession no. S r. RNA gene for the type strain EU0. Etymology N. L. fem. Altamira cave, Cantabria, Spain, where the type strain was isolated. Valid publication JURADO V., BOIRON P., KROPPENSTEDT R. M., LAURENT F., COUBLE A., LAIZ L., KLENK H. P., GONZLEZ J. M., SAIZ JIMENEZ C., MOUNIE D., BERGERON E. RODRGUEZ NAVA V. Nocardia altamirensis sp. Altamira cave, Cantabria, Spain. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2. 00. Original article in IJSEM Online. Nocardiaamamiensis Yamamura et al. Type strain see also Strain. Info. net TT 0. 0 7. DSM 4. 50. 66 JCM 1. KCTC 1. 92. 08 NBRC 1. Sequence accession no. S r. RNA gene for the type strain AB2. Etymology N. L. fem. Amami Island, from where the organism was first isolated. Valid publication YAMAMURA H., TAMURA T., SAKIYAMA Y. HARAYAMA S. Nocardia amamiensis sp. Japan. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2. Original article in IJSEM Online. Nocardiaamarae Lechevalier and Lechevalier 1. Type strain see also Strain. Info. net SE6 ATCC 2. CIP 1. 04. 50. 1 DSM 4. HAMBI 2. 28. 2 IFO now NBRC 1. JCM 3. 17. 1 NCIMB 1. NRRL B 8. 17. 6 NRRL B 1. VKM Ac 8. 01. Sequence accession no. S r. RNA gene for the type strain X8. Etymology Gr. n. N. L. gen. n. amarae, of a sewage duct. Approved Lists reference SKERMAN V. B. D., Mc. GOWAN V. SNEATH P. H. A. editors Approved Lists of Bacterial Names. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1. Approved Lists of Bacterial Names in IJSEM Online Approved Lists of Bacterial Names Amended edition. Original publication LECHEVALIER M. P. and LECHEVALIER H. A. Nocardia amarae sp. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 1. Gordonia amarae Lechevalier and Lechevalier 1. Klatte et al. 1. 99. Nocardiaamikacinitolerans Ezeoke et al. Type strain see also Strain. Info. net W9. 98. CCUG 5. 96. 55 DSM 4. Sequence accession no. S r. RNA gene for the type strain GU9. Etymology N. L. n. L. part. adj. tolerans, tolerating N. L. part. adj. amikacinitolerans, tolerating amikacin, named for its resistance to the antimicrobial agent amikacin. Valid publication EZEOKE I., KLENK H. P., PTTER G., SCHUMANN P., MOSER B.