Dr Zakir Naik English Books

Islamic Books, Quran, Hadiths, Children Islamic Books. Store. Unit 3 Estate Way Leyton, London, E1. JN, Tel 4. 4 0 2. Fax 4. 4 0 2. Dr Zakir Naik English BooksProphet in Hindu Scriptures Vedas Part 3Let us now critically examine the claim of Prophet in Vedas. El Nino Sin Nombre Pdf Download. You can read the original article at http www. Itemid1. 31. Let me declare at outset that Vedas contain no history or geography whatsoever and contain description of fundamental principles governing life and universe in a variety of manner. There are indeed names of several historical persons in Vedas. Dr Zakir Naik English Books' title='Dr Zakir Naik English Books' />Free Islamic eBooks for download in many different categories and in many languages. AsslamoAlaikum Brothers Sisters. A Humble Appeal is being made to our brothers and sisters for donating your Zakaat and Sadaqat to Madani Memorial for its. ErC9IhZ55dQ/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Dr Zakir Naik English Books' title='Dr Zakir Naik English Books' />Dr Zakir Naik English BooksBut that does not mean that Vedas prophesise those people. It only means that those words were popular and people chose to adopt these names. If we find mention of word Krishna in Mahabharat or Vedas, it does not mean, they prophesise about Lal Krishna Advani By that logic, Bible prophesises about all people born with name George and Islamic texts about people named Muhammad, Ali etcI shall not dwell into the concept of Vedas being beyond prophecies, history and geography in this analysis. On contrary, we shall prove that even if we assume Vedas to contain prophecies, that can no way be associated with Prophet Muhammad pbuh, unless IRF believes that Prophet Muhammad pbuh was a mass murderer and protector of cows, as we shall see later. And if indeed they believe so, let them issue a world wide fatwa to start donating cows, stop eating beef and admitting that Prophet Muhammad pbuh killed the entire population of Mecca Just as they would be issuing a fatwa that Prophet Muhammad pbuh was a ghostdemon incarnate in name of Tripurasur as per Bhavishya Puran. Going further, they should also then accept the theory of rebirth In brief, any attempt to prove Prophet Muhammad pbuh in Hindu Scriptures is nothing but an insult to both the great legacy of peaceful Prophet as well as a crooked attempt to malign Hinduism. EWGNPkDuIRddFw0CmXSw0gscwpeQeABDtkSZPrykA9VrGy75Xo5xzHCEoEhLa7Noc=h900' alt='Dr Zakir Naik English Books' title='Dr Zakir Naik English Books' />Only an enemy of both Hinduism and Islam can perpetrate such a crime. So all Hindus and Muslims should unitedly thwart such attempts to malign their religions baselessly. I shall quote the text published at IRF website as IRF and the analysis of the same as Analysis The actual meanings of the mantras will be quotes as Actual 1. Prophet Muhammad pbuh Prophesised in Atharvaveda IRF In the 2. Atharvaveda Hymn 1. Some Suktas chapters are known as Kuntap Sukta. Kuntap means the consumer of misery and troubles. Thus meaning the message of peace and safety and if translated in Arabic means Islam. Analysis 1. By this logic, all books of spiritualism and self help and their content would mean Islam Because Peace and removal of misery are the primary goals of any spiritual text on self help book. Considering that Vedas came way before Muhammad founded Islam, this only means that whatever peaceful or good was brought by Muhammad in Islam was actually already a part of Vedic traditions. And that the word Islam was already existing way before Muhammad adapted it to name his cult. It is welcoming that Muslims are now acknowledging that they owe their peacefulness to Vedas. I hope they would take this journey of seeking truth even further and completely embrace the Vedas to reach their original roots. IRF Kuntap also means hidden glands in the abdomen. These mantras are called so probably because their true meaning was hidden and was to be revealed in future. Its hidden meaning is also connected with the navel or the middle point of this earth. Makkah is called the Ummul Qura the mother of the towns or the naval of the earth. In many revealed books it was the first house of Divine worship where God Almighty gave spiritual nourishment to the world. The Quran says in Surah Ali Imran chapter 3, verse 9. The first house of worship appointed for men was that at Bakkah Makkah full of blessings and of guidance and for all kinds of beings. Thus Kuntap stands for Makkah or Bakkah. Analysis 1. Which dictionary states that Kuntaap means hidden glands in the abdomen Further, even if it means so, as researched by Dr Naik, how does it link with navel In abdomen, all other organs are hidden inside liver, stomach, intestine etc. It is only the navel which is not hiddenThe third line of IRF quote obviously refers to Islamic belief of earth being flat, and Muhammad being born in centre of the earth But as per Vedas and modern science, earth is almost spherical and hence all points on it can be considered middle point. Had Mecca Makkah been on Equator, perhaps some credibility could have been attached to IRF claims. Compile C Program In Dosing. But as per modern science, in a non flat world, Mecca lies at 2. N. It is not even on Tropic of CancerThe importance given to Mecca in Islam is because of historical reasons dating prior to advent of Islam. As per some historical researches, there was a Hindu temple in Mecca. Flow Remember Video Clip Download'>Flow Remember Video Clip Download. The story of Mecca being navel of earth seems to indicate that there was a grand statute of reclining Vishnu there with Brahma coming to from his navel, as indicated by certain researches. This is a popular Hindu image and may have led to story of Mecca being navel of earth, in dark ages. Even Prophet Muhammad had great reverence for the Vedic tradition and hence made worship of Mecca temple an important component of his religion. But no way, can Kuntaap be implied to mean Mecca The logic of IRF is fabulous Kuntaapa abdominal glands navel center center of the earth Meccahence, Kuntaapa Mecca. Lets use IRF logic on Islam itself and see where it leads us Poison Death Rest Peace Islamhence, Poison Islam. So from IRF evidence itself, there is cold, hard proof that Islam is Poison These are ways of the rogue and no sensible person would try to demean religions in such manners as Zakir Naik is doing to insult Islam. IRF Several people have translated these Kuntap Suktas like M. Bloomfield, Prof. Ralph Griffith, Pandit Rajaram, Pandit Khem Karan, etc. Analysis 1. Of the translators mentioned by IRF, two are western indologists who had their own Christian agenda. They can no way be considered relevant for understanding of Vedas. But interestingly, even they talk of nothing even remotely related to Muhammad or Mecca in the alleged verses. The only common point perhaps is the word camel. It seems that IRF team frantically searched for various mantras referring to camel in Vedas, and chose to interpret them, as per their own agenda, as would soon be evident. Readers can review the Griffith translation of these mantras at http www. They can review translations of other scholars mentioned by IRF and check truth themselves. We shall provide excerpts from translation by Pandit Khem Karan as illustration. You can check them at http www. In their pursuit of searching mantras with reference to camel, IRF made another blunder. The Kuntaap Sukta appear at end of Atharvaveda and are not considered to be part of Veda Samhita, but merely an addendum Khil Bhaag or Appendix by many scholars. This is the only portion in entire Vedas that have such a difference in opinion among scholars. Had IRF chosen any other SuktaHymn in more than 2. Vedas, they would have been much safer. Thus Kuntaap which IRF proved to mean safe is not that safe to defend their claim of Muhammad in VedasIRF The main points mentioned in the Kuntap Suktas i. Atharvaveda book 2. Hymn 1. 27 verses 1 1. Mantra 1. He is Narashansah or the praised one Muhammad. He is Kaurama the prince of peace or the emigrant, who is safe, even amongst a host of 6. Mantra 2. He is a camel riding Rishi, whose chariot touches the heaven.