Awesome Kong You Shoot I Shoot

Archive Here are all the comics Ive done. If youre looking for a particular comic, the search engine can help you out The comics are presented here in reverse. Youll also find a cameo from Latonas husband, Steve Kuclo, who is a welcome addition to the shoot. Having my husband on set is awesome, admits Latona. Awesome Kong You Shoot I Shoot' title='Awesome Kong You Shoot I Shoot' />Awesome Kong You Shoot I ShootDay Itinerary in Macau from Hong Kong. Colonial Portugal Meet Bright Lights and Casinos. Macau is an awesome one day trip from Hong Kong thats only a 5. Its a completely different vibe from the big city of Hong Kong. Think of Macau as Asias version of Vegas but with old town Portuguese flare mixed around it. Macau is one of the two Special Administrative Regions of China and is bordered on the province of Guangdong. Theres nothing that connects Hong Kong to Macau so a ferry is necessary although all that will change when they complete the bridge that will link the two cities. What makes Macau unique is that it was former Portuguese colony and administered by Portugal from the mid 1. Hong Kong was administered by the United Kingdom. However what once was a sleepy colonial city has now ballooned to become Asias gambling capital. The one thing that stuck out from my visit was just how many casinos there were. Huge themed casinos dominate the skyline now with each newer one outdoing the previous new kid on the block. What To Do In Macau In One Day Without Staying Overnight. If youre in Hong Kong for more than 3 days, you probably have time to do a trip to Macau to mix it up so to speak. For us, we never had a fixed date we wanted to do Macau. At one point we had also considered doing 2 days there but after talking to many locals the feedback we repeatedly got was that it wasnt worth it. Download Blood Lad Episode 4 Sub Indo more. After the Maldives portion of the trip, Hong Kongs weather was also extremely erratic with rain so we just played it by ear. There was one day that finally looked good for us so we decided the night before to make the trip to Macau. So yeah, thats really the extent of the planning we did. You can certainly book ferry tickets online but honestly youre just as good to show up at the purchase the Turbo. Jet tickets right at the terminal. There are departures every 1. The way I broke the trip down was by the various areas of Macau. I thought the itinerary made a lot of sense and Id recommend you following a similar route Start off in Taipa and do the cultural sights first. Its a lovely little area full of Portuguese architecture, shops and food stalls. I personally loved this area of Macau the most. This area is also great to grab lunch. Once youer done here, cab over to Coloane which honestly doesnt have too much but the big highlight is Lord Stows if you like Portuguese Egg Tarts. Even if you dont like or know about them, its worth a try. Theres the small Chapel of St. Francis and the food vendors in front you can check out. Hac Sa Beach is a short little detour after Coloane although to be honest the beach isnt particularly nice. The food stalls dont look that appetizing either and if it wasnt for Fernandos which Chantelles aunt and uncle recommended, Id say this area is skippable. Now its finally time to head into the big city so start at the Ruins of St. Paul and snake your way down the shopping streets. Have dinner in this area. The night is young right Casinos always come alive at night so it makes sense to slot this at the very end. Pick one or two you want to check out. Quality Unit Patch 2005'>Quality Unit Patch 2005. The unfortunate thing is that theyre quite spaced out especially between the older ones on the Macau peninsula and the new mega ones out in Taipa. The Itinerary. Download this Itinerary. Simply add your email below and click the Download button. Access to the page with this itinerary and others will be given to you right away. Youll also be enrolled in the weekly flight deal newsletter Date. Monday April 2. Impressions. Breakfast. Grabbed a fun Chinese buns at the Turbo. Jet ferry terminal. Chinese buns always do the trick when you dont have time to go to a restaurant. Filling and cheapMorning. Took the bus over to the Turbo. Jet ferry terminal. Got tickets for the 9 4. Free shuttle ride to The Venetian. Cab to Taipa Village. Walk along Rua do Cunha souvenirs tastings at Koi Kei and all the other Pastelerias. We didnt plan on the shuttle ride but when we saw everyone get ushered there, the thought of saving some money on taxi rides came to my head so we went with it. Money I feel like was certainly saved but we did have to wait in the cab line for a good 1. Venetian. I loved Taipa Village. It had a real sense of Portuguese culture instilled and was a great place to walk and roam around since they were all small local streets. There were also a ton of snacking opportunities. Lunch. Snack 1 Lunch at Seng Cheong for crab congee. Snack 2 for their milk tarts. Snack 3 Cafe Tai Lei Loi Kei for pork chop buns. Snack 4 Lord Stows for Portuguese egg tarts. Snack 5 Fermando for their version of the pork chop bun. The crab congee or porridge is quite tasty although a bit messy since you have to use your hands to get into the legs although to be honest there wasnt too much meat in there. The milk tarts were extremely fresh and delicious. Between the pork chop buns at Cafe Tai Lei Loi Kei and Fernandos, I did like this one better because the pork was a lot more tender and the bun wasnt as chewy. Lord Stows cant be beat. Perfectly burnt and glazed at the top and just so amazing when they come right out of the oven. This is what put the Portuguese egg tarts on the map in Macau. Afternoon. Walk towards the old Taipa Houses Museum. From there went back on Rua do Regedor to have egg tarts at Walked to the famous Cafe Tai Lei Loi Kei for pork chop buns. Cab to Coloane to visit the original Lord Stows. Walk along the water Quick visit Chapel of St. Francis. Cab to Hac Sa Beach Black Sand BeachGrab another snack at the famed Fernandos. Cab to the Ruins of St. Paul. Explore the facade, the museum below and then across to fortress. Walked around the main shopping drag right below the Ruins. The afternoon was quite packed as we continued to roam around Taipa Village. Coloane was a small village to the south but really not much to do outside of Lord Stows and the church. Lord Stows wasnt very busy though it mightve been because it was raining at this point. The church was small but had nice Portuguese accents outdoors and indoors. Hac Sa Beach was definitely a disappointment as the beach itself wasnt very nice with its blend of black and brown sand. Sadao Watanabe Flac. The moody weather obviously didnt help. The beach front area was also a bit ghetto with the poorly maintained food stands. That being said, Fernandos was very well decorated with a old time traditional Portuguese accents and a focus on dark woods. On the way in there was also a neat wall of signed bills from all over the world. Because we werent eating a full meal, they didnt allow us to dine in the main dining room and were relegated to the bar. I didnt quite understand the point of that since no one was manning the bar but elected to stick around and order another pork chop bun to compare and even got a Super Bock beer straight from Portugal which was a nice touch. After that we waited awhile to find a cab since Hac Sa Beach was quite dead but once we did we headed straight for the main peninsula and got to explore the famous Ruins of St. Paul. The ruins themselves were quite well maintained and we were able to go down into the museum just before it closed at 6. PM. The Museum of Sacred Art and Crypt was built at the bottom of the ruins and houses many religious artifacts which we got to see. From there, we went across to the fort propped on a hill and I would actually highly recommend doing this as it gave some great vantage points of the old city below.