After Program School Tutorial
Center for Talent Developments CTD Equinox program provides rigorous acceleration opportunities for academically gifted and talented students completing grades 9. Normanhurst West OSHC provides high quality Before and After school care for children aged 5 12 years who attend Normanhurst West Public School. VLSID ES 2. Tutorial Program. Pre Silicon Verification and Post Silicon Validation Dramatic Improvements through Disruptive Innovations. Subhasish Mitra Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Srinivas Shashank Nuthakki Stanford University, Stanford, CA,Eshan Singh Stanford University, Stanford, CAHalf day Tutorial Abstract You have all spent weeks or months of onerous manual effort, from writing assertions to running long simulations with limited success for corner case bugs or debugging false positives. This tutorial will give you a unique hands on experience on how to detect and localize difficult bugs automatically, in just a few hours, during pre silicon verification and post silicon validation. We present the Quick Error Detection QED technique for post silicon validation and debug. QED drastically reduces error detection latency, the time elapsed between the occurrence of an error caused by a bug and its manifestation as an observable failure. Symbolic QED combines QED principles with a formal engine for both pre and post silicon validation. Results from several commercial designs demonstrate For billion transistor scale designs, you can now detect and localize difficult logic design bugs automatically without having to write design specific assertions in only a few 3 hours during pre silicon verification. You can now drastically improve error detection latencies of post silicon validation tests by up to 9 orders of magnitude for quick debug, from billions of clock cycles to very few clock cycles, and simultaneously improve bug coverage. You can now automatically localize bugs in billion transistor scale designs during post silicon debug, e. QED and Symbolic QED are effective for logic design bugs and electrical bugs inside processor cores, hardware accelerators, and uncore components such as cache controllers, memory controllers, interconnection networks or power management units. After Program School Tutorial Services' title='After Program School Tutorial Services' />After Program School Tutorial WebsiteQED techniques have been successfully used in industry. Speaker Bios Subhasish Mitra is Professor of Electrical Engineering and of Computer Science at Stanford University, where he directs the Stanford Robust Systems Group and co leads the Computation focus area of the Stanford System. After Program School Tutorial' title='After Program School Tutorial' />X Alliance. He is also a faculty member of the Stanford Neurosciences Institute. Prof. Mitra holds the Carnot Chair of Excellence in Nanosystems at CEA LETI in Grenoble, France. Before joining the Stanford faculty, he was a Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation. Tekken 3 Full Iso Game Download. Prof. Mitras research interests range broadly across robust computing, nanosystems, VLSI design, validation, test and electronic design automation, and neurosciences. He, jointly with his students and collaborators, demonstrated the first carbon nanotube computer and the first three dimensional nanosystem with computation immersed in data storage. These demonstrations received wide spread recognitions cover of NATURE, Research Highlight to the United States Congress by the National Science Foundation, highlight as important, scientific breakthrough by the BBC, Economist, EE Times, IEEE Spectrum, MIT Technology Review, National Public Radio, New York Times, Scientific American, Time, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and numerous others worldwide. His earlier work on X Compact test compression has been key to cost effective manufacturing and high quality testing of almost all electronic systems. X Compact and its derivatives have been implemented in widely used commercial Electronic Design Automation tools. Prof. Mitras honors include the ACM SIGDAIEEE CEDA A. Richard Newton Technical Impact Award in Electronic Design Automation a test of time honor, the Semiconductor Research Corporations Technical Excellence Award, the Intel Achievement Award Intels highest corporate honor, and the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from the White House the highest United States honor for early career outstanding scientists and engineers. He and his students published several award winning papers at major venues ACMIEEE Design Automation Conference, IEEE International Solid State Circuits Conference, IEEE International Test Conference, IEEE Transactions on CAD, IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, and the Symposium on VLSI Technology. Cent Gun Movie Download Full more. At Stanford, he has been honored several times by graduating seniors for being important to them during their time at Stanford. Prof.
Mitra served on the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agencys DARPA Information Science and Technology Board as an invited member. He is a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery ACM and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE. Eshan Singh received an Sc. B in Electrical Engineering, along with an AB in Economics, from Brown University in 2. After completing an MS in Electrical Engineering from Stanford in 2. Stronghold Crusader 4 there. Eshan spent three years at Intel as a Component Design Engineer. Eshan returned to Stanford in 2. Ph. D candidate in the Stanford Robust Systems Group with interests in VLSI design, 3 D integrated circuits, computer architecture, validation and debug. His current research focuses on addressing challenges in validation and debug, specifically aiming to improve bug localization, increase automation and reduce debug time. Srinivasa Shashank Nuthakki is a Ph. D student working in Prof. Subhasish Mitras Robust Systems Group at Stanford University. He received the B. Tech. Hons. degree in Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering and the M. Tech. degree in Microelectronics and VLSI Design from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, in 2. His current research interests include pre siiicon verification, post silicon validation, formal methods, hardwaresoftware security and computer architecture.